
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 1974

Expertise : labor and employment law

Hotline: 367 777-0730

Mr. Côté has been practicing law since being called to the bar in 1974. He joined the firm in 2018. Mr. Côté practices mainly in the field of labor and employment law as a legal advisor and negotiator in the field of labor relations, both with large businesses and SMEs. He has extensive experience in negotiating collective bargaining agreements and regularly acts as legal counsel and representative for all aspects of labor relations, including union accreditations and labor disputes in the public, parapublic and private sectors. For many years, Mr. Côté has been involved with major organizations arts and culture, community organizations and charities.

Assistant: Nathalie Lévesque


  • Labor and employment law


  • Bachelor’s degree in law, Université Laval (1972)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Québec (2018 to date)
  • Beauvais Truchon et Associés (1973 to 2018)

Associations, committees, boards

  • Member of the board of directors of the Musée national des beaux-arts de Québec and various other committees within the MNBAQ, including the audit committee and the verification committee
  • President of the governance, ethics and human resources committee
  • Member of the large donators committee and the major donations committee at Centraide