
Title : Lawyer, partner Year of call : 2011

Expertise : aboriginal and constitutional law | environmental law | personal and family law

Hotline: 873 381-2068

Me Jacynthe Ledoux is a member of the Quebec Bar since 2011. She is also a member of the Ontario Bar. A lawyer specializing in Aboriginal law, Me Ledoux has a diverse practice that includes representing First Nations in environmental law, specific claims, energy law, natural resources, constitutional law, youth protection and human rights.

Me Ledoux is passionate about complex cases involving overlapping jurisdictions. Her understanding of civil law, common law and her openness to Indigenous law allow her to find creative solutions based on the affirmation of the self-determination of Indigenous peoples. Me Ledoux has practiced with the Honourable Michèle Pauzé, then judge and chair of the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal, as well as with firms specializing in Aboriginal law and energy law.

Me Ledoux holds a master's degree in Canadian common law from Osgoode Hall Law School. She also holds a master's degree in environmental law from McGill University, and two bachelor degrees in law and international studies, both from Université de Montréal. Her thesis, which explored the interactions between the state and Indigenous legal orders through the prism of wampum jurisprudence, was awarded for best thesis in Quebec law.

Me Ledoux has taught Aboriginal law as a lecturer at Université de Montréal and Introduction to Canadian Law at Osgoode Hall Law School. She has also lectured extensively and published numerous articles, including on the interaction between civil law, common law, and Indigenous law. MLedoux's approach is based on listening to the needs of communities and implementing their right to self-determination. She doesn't hesitate to travel and visit the communities she works with to build mutual understanding.

Passionate, determined, and empathetic, Me Ledoux constantly monitors the latest developments in Aboriginal law and the best precedents across the country. Her intercultural communication skills and her thoroughness have enabled her to successfully complete numerous cases. In her spare time, Me Ledoux enjoys reading, especially poetry, cross-country skiing, and cycling.


  • Aboriginal and constitutional law (aboriginal rights, impacts and Benefits Agreements, negotiation of treaties and other agreements, comprehensive land claims and specific claims, negotiation of constitutional and administrative agreements)
  • Environmental Law (public hearings and BAPE hearings, environment in James Bay and northern Quebec, carbon credit market, land protection and rehabilitation, water quality, air quality, and noise, appeal of government decisions)
  • Personal and Family Law (youth protection)


  • Canadian Common Law LLM, Osgoode Hall Law School (2018)
  • LLM in Environment, McGill University (2016)
  • LLB, Université de Montréal (2010)
  • LLB in International Law Studies, Université de Montréal (2007)

Professional experience

  • Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP, Toronto (2018 to 2021)
  • Dionne Schulze, Montreal (2014 to 2016)

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • "Constitutional Principles at The Heart of Wampums "' in Heather MacIvor & Arthur H Milnes, dir, Canada at 150: Building a Free and Democratic Society, Toronto: Lexis Nexis Canada, 224 (2017)
  • "The Wampum from Dish to Spoon: A Territory to Respect and Share", Radio-Canada International - Espaces Autochtones (2017)
  • "Covenant Chain Wampums: Declarations of Interdependence", Radio-Canada International - Espaces Autochtones (2017)
  • Lecturer "Public Interest Lawyering: The Wavering Nature of 'Public Interest'", Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinic, Osgoode Hall Law School (2017)
  • "The Two Row Wampum Belt: Symbol of Self-Determination and Coexistence", Radio-Canada International - Espaces Autochtones (2017)
  • "Wampums As Currency: The Story Of The First Financial Crisis In Present-Day New York, Radio-Canada International - Espaces Autochtones (2017)
  • "Golden-Age of Wampums", Radio-Canada International - Espaces Autochtones (2017)
  • "Wampums Under Canadian Courts: Overview of Findings from Case Law Analysis", Réseau de recherche et de connaissances relatives aux peuples autochtones (2016)
  • "Wampums Under Canadian Courts: Exploring the Limits of Recognition at the Crossroad of Plural Legal Orders", McGill Grad Conference in Law, Université McGill (2015)
  • "Oléoduc Énergie Est: Legal Issues in Indigenous Territories", Oléoduc Énergie Est: An Environmental and Social Portrait Within A Legal Framework, organized by McGill Environmental Law Club, McGill University (2014)
  • "Akwesasne - The St. Lawrence Seaway File", Aboriginal Law Class taught by Professor Kirsten Anker, McGill University (2014)
  • "Land Conservation and Indigenous Rights: The Aichi Biodiversity Objectives in the Context of Quebec Territorial Uncertainty", Law, Change and Governance Group, McGill University (2013)


  • Best Master’s Thesis in Quebec, awarded by Lexis Nexis and the Association des Professeures et Professeurs de droit du Québec (2017)
  • Graduate Excellence Fellowship Award, Université McGill (2012)
  • Dean's Honour List, Law Faculty, Université de Montréal (2006 to 2007)