
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 2008

Expertise : labor and employment law

Hotline: 367 777-0753

Joanie Simard practices in labor and employment law. She counsels and represents employers in matters including individual and collective workplace relations. She provides her clients with a wide range of legal solutions on all aspects of employment including labor standards; workplace accidents and occupational diseases; occupational health and safety; collective agreement negotiation, interpretation, and application; human rights and freedoms; and administrative law.

Assistant: Sylvie Lavallée


  • Labor and employment law (competition and duty of loyalty, human rights, occupational health and safety funding, collective bargaining, collective labor relations, individual labor relations, occupational health and safety)


  • LL.B., Université Laval (2007)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Quebec City (2012 to present)
  • Norton Rose, Quebec City
  • Ogilvy Renault, Quebec City