
Title : Lawyer Year of call : 2020

Expertise : labor and employment law | health law


145, rue Gamble Ouest, Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 2R5  
T 819 797-5222
819 762-6810

Hotline : 873 379-2040

Me Olivier Lacoursière has been a member of the Quebec Bar since 2020 and practices at the Rouyn-Noranda office. A law graduate of the University of Ottawa, he also obtained a Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Development and Globalization.

With particular expertise in administrative investigations and psychological or sexual harassment complaints, Me Lacoursière is an accredited investigating lawyer by the Quebec Bar conducting workplace investigations.

In addition, he acts daily as a business partner for various companies in labour relations matters whether they are small SMEs, public institutions, or large corporations. His mandates have led him to plead before the Administrative Labour Tribunal or arbitration tribunals. In health law, Me Lacoursière frequently assists health and social services centres before the Court of Québec and the Superior Court in matters of individual rights.

Available and attentive to his clients' needs, Me Lacoursière is known for his resourcefulness, creativity, and straightforwardness. Driven by great intellectual curiosity, he is appreciated by his team and knows how to stand out by his composure and the quality of his arguments.

Highly involved in his community and region, whether at the cultural, business, or sports level, Me Lacoursière is president of the board of directors for the Dallaire Municipal Golf Club, for the Société du 100e anniversaire of Rouyn-Noranda, and vice-President of the Relève en affaires in the Rouyn-Noranda Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was also president of Relay for Life of the Canadian Cancer Society.

Me Lacoursière was awarded several scholarships and prizes as a student. He was also president of the Outaouais Civil Law Students' Association at the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Law. Me Lacoursière's favourite pastimes include golf, the arts and performing arts. He also has a keen interest in politics. He is passionate about major socio-political challenges and their impact on human rights, including access to education and quality health care for vulnerable or marginalized communities.

Assistant: Chloé Morin


  • Labor and employment law (competition and duty of loyalty, human rights, occupational health and safety funding, collective bargaining, collective labor relations, individual labor relations, occupational health and safety)
  • Health law (ethics, care, and institutional care)


  • LL.L., University of Ottawa (2019)
  • Honours BSocSc in International Development and Globalization, University of Ottawa (2019)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, articling student, Rouyn-Noranda (2020)
  • Cain Lamarre, student, Rouyn-Noranda (2019)
  • Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) of Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Law Student– Labour Relations (2018)
  • Evenko, Law Student (2017)

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • “Pre-employment questionnaires and verifications: what your HR team needs to know“, private training for clients of the firm (2022).
  • “Management of a disciplinary cases in labor relations“, private training for clients of the firm (2022).
  • “Reform of the Quebec occupational health and safety regime. What does this change for employers?”, training given to members of the Abitibi-Ouest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2022). 
  • “Advanced training on the management of occupational health and safety records”, private training for clients of the firm (2022).
  • “The protection of trainees in the workplace and the prevention of workplace violence”, training for the members of the Rouyn-Noranda Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2022).
  • “Harassment in the workplace and the investigation process”, private training for clients of the firm (2022).
  • "Harassment in the workplace – legal aspects”, program to combat psychological or sexual harassment in the workplace (CNESST)", training provided to the members of the Rouyn-Noranda Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2021)
  • “Act respecting the protection of persons whose mental state presents a danger to themselves or to others, c. P-38.001”, training provided to health and social service providers (2020-2021)

Associations, committees, boards

  • President of the board of directors, Société du 100e anniversaire of Rouyn-Noranda
  • President of the board of directors, Club de Golf Municipal Dallaire, Rouyn-Noranda
  • Vice-president, commitee, Relève en affaires for the Rouyn-Noranda Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIRN)
  • Member of the board of directors, Corporation des fêtes pour tout le monde (Osisko en lumière and Fête d’hiver de Rouyn-Noranda) (2020-2022)
  • President of Relay For Life for the  Canadian Cancer Society, Rouyn-Noranda (2019)


  • Bourse pour l’implication et la réussite Cain Lamarre (2019), Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa (2019)
  • Dean Award, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa (2019)
  • Honorable Mention Delegation Award for participation with the National Model United Nations (NMUN) New York (2019)
  • Grand Maillet, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa (2018 to 2019)
  • Merit list of the Dean, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa (2018 to 2019)
  • Louis Pedneault Award (2018)
  • Maillet implication, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa (2017)
  • Jean-Charles Bonenfant Foundation Award (2015)
  • Lieutenant Governor’s Youth Medal (2013)