
Title : Notary Year of call : 2019

Expertise : real estate law | municipal law | notary services

Hotline: 438 943-2020

Sophie Croisetière joined the Montreal office of Cain Lamarre in 2018 after completing her internship in notarial law. In addition to having obtained a Bachelor of Law and a Master of Notarial Law, she holds a certificate and a master's degree in urban planning from the Faculty of Planning at the Université de Montréal. To these degrees, add a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University. Throughout her university career, Sophie has accumulated work experience in the municipal field, notably as an officer of the built environment and urban planning consultant for the City of Montreal. Through these experiences, she has not only developed an excellent ability to read plans and analyze municipal regulations - particularly in the area of urban planning - but she has also gained valuable knowledge in the construction industry, in the process of issuing permits and other municipal approvals required for a real estate project. Sophie’s pratice is focused mostly in the fields of real estate law and municipal law (territory management).


  • Real estate law
  • Municipal law
  • Notary services


  • Master’s degree in notarial law, Université de Montréal (2019)
  • Bachelor’s degree in law, Université de Montréal (2017)
  • Master’s degree in urban planning, Université de Montréal (2014)
  • Certificate in urban planning, Université de Montréal (2010)
  • Bachelor’s of, McGill University (2009)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Montréal (2019 to today)