
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 1990

Expertise : transportation law | penal law

Hotline: 514 787-3477

With many years of experience, Me Stéphane Lamarre, a partner at the Montreal office, has been practicing law since 1990. He has been a lecturer at the Université du Québec à Montréal, at Cégep André-Laurendeau, and at Cégep Lionel-Groulx, where he has taught law and regulation in the field of road transportation.

Me Lamarre puts his expertise at the service of many professionals in various fields of activity. He advises many road carriers and is also called upon to give training sessions to various industry associations. In addition, he acts as a speaker and publishes certain articles in specialized magazines pertaining to this industry. Me Lamarre is the co-author of the volume “L'encadrement légal du transport routier par véhicules lourds au Québec” published by Publications CCH. He practices with administrative bodies and courts (civil and penal).

Me Lamarre stands out by the cohesion of his team. Clients concerned with transportation law are taken care of by the team in order to match each client with the professional best suited to meet the needs dictated by each mandate.

To strengthen the relationship with his clients, Me Lamarre participates in several activities in their industry and contributes to their training. His availability and his in-depth knowledge of the field and trends are without a doubt his major assets.

Leucan, an organization committed to supporting children with cancer and their families, is particularly close to his heart. A bon vivant, Me Lamarre devotes his free time to his family, friends and good food. His maxim: “Tomorrow, a new day will dawn!” perfectly sums up his positive and judicious spirit.

Assistant: Johanne Harnois


  • Transportation law (contracts of carriage, license applications, business law pertaining to transport, road transport law, criminal offences in and outside Québec, obligations of owners, operators, and drivers of heavy vehicles, , representation before criminal and civil courts, civil and contractual liability, international transport treaties, interprovincial and international transport)
  • Penal Law


  • LL.B., Université Laval (1989)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Montreal (2003 to present)
  • Flynn Rivard, Montreal
  • Autocars Connaisseur, Montreal
  • Lavoie Morency, Montreal
  • Ministère de la Justice, Quebec City

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • La télémétrie au service de la prévention, conférence donnée conjointement avec Me François Rouette dans le cadre de la 3e édition, la conférence des utilisateurs d’ISAAC (2017)
  • Talk offered as part of Université Laval's master's miniprogram in passenger transport
  • Various lectures and training sessions on transportation law
  • Coauthor of "L’encadrement légal du transport routier par véhicules lourds au Québec", published by CCH
  • Various articles in transportation trade magazines
  • Instructor, maritime and land transportation regulation, Bachelor’s of Transportation Management, UQAM
  • Instructor, transportation law, Cégep André-Laurendau and Cégep Lionel-Groulx

Associations, committees, boards

  • Ex officio president, Canadian Transport Lawyers Association
  • Member, board of directors, Fondation pour la formation professionnelle en transport routier des marchandises du Québec
  • Member, safety campaign partner committee, Fédération des transporteurs par autobus
  • Member, product and service suppliers committee, Association du camionnage du Québec
  • Trustee, bus insurance program trust
  • Former member, board of directors and executive committee, Transportation Lawyers Association (United States)
  • Former member, board of directors, Canadian Transport Lawyers Association
  • Former member, executive committee, Canadian Transport Lawyers Association
  • Former member, board of directors, CPE Kateri


  • Transportation law expertise recognized in Best Lawyers in Canada (since 2013)
  • A recognized leader in the field of transportation law, Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory (since 2014)
  • Transportation law expertise recognized in the Global Directory of Who’s Who (since 2015)
  • Named distinguished graduate, Université Laval