
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 2013

Expertise : litigation | health law | insurance law | professional law

Hotline: 581 543-2659

Saguenay/Lac-Saint-Jean native Stéphanie Poirier was admitted to the Québec Bar in 2013 after obtaining her LL.B. from Université Laval.

Her practice centers on health and social services, liability and insurance, and civil and commercial litigation, but includes a range of other fields, including construction law. She has always had an interest in medicine, which serves her well on civil liability and hospital cases. She has also represented healthcare institutions in residential care cases and motions for authorization from the courts to obtain care for patients who categorically refuse it. In addition, Stéphanie is involved in a local community organization that helps people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

She is currently completing a master's degree in law, which includes writing a dissertation in health law, at Université Laval. This specialty will allow her to better meet the needs of clients in the health and social services network, and to perfect her knowledge in legal research and drafting.

Assistants: Isabelle Bélanger, Raphaëlle Boulay et Nathalie Houard


  • Insurance law (builders’ risk insurance, professional liability insurance, statutory examinations)
  • Litigation (insurance, remedies of all types, civil liability)
  • Health law (access to information, disciplinary law, ethics, care, and institutional care, medical and hospital liability)
  • Professional law


  • LL.B., Université Laval (2012)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Saguenay (2012 to present)

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • Legal commentary "directives médicales anticipées," TVDL (2017)
  • Author of the article "Les directives médicales anticipées : panacée ou obstacle aux volontés de fin de vie?" published in a special edition of the magazine"Le Point en santé"
  • Presentations at a number of conferences on construction law and health and social services law
  • Author of the article “L'arrêt Carter et l'aide médicale à mourir” published in Synergie, the review of Association québécoise des établissements de santé et de services sociaux (2015)

Associations, committees, boards

  • Member, board of directors,Palli-Aide
  • Alternate member, Bioethics Committee of Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Chicoutimi
  • Member, board of directors, Association pour la promotion des droits des personnes handicapées