
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 2014

Expertise : labor and employment law | health law | administrative law


145, rue Gamble Ouest, Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X 2R5  
T 819 797-5222
819 762-6810

Hotline: 873 379-2047

Me David Lecours is a business lawyer and partner at our firm. His practice is focused on labour and employment law, administrative investigations, and health law. He advises and represents a varied clientele that includes SMEs, public institutions, and large corporations.

He is active in all activity sectors, but more particularly in the sectors of natural resources, construction, and public administration and services.

In labour and employment law, Me Lecours advises organizations, on a daily basis, on their management of human resources. As a litigator and strategic advisor, he is also called upon to appear before arbitration tribunals, the Administrative Labour Tribunal, and civil courts.

Me Lecours also heads the firm’s administrative investigation team. In this capacity, he especially ensures the relevance and effectiveness of the firm's services in terms of investigations. Renowned leader in such investigations, he puts all his experience at the service of the firm's clients.

Trainer and lecturer who enjoys sharing knowledge, Me Lecours is always on the lookout for new developments. He also teaches labor law at the Université du Québec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, as a lecturer.

Recently, the LEXPERT LEGAL CANADA magazine recognized Me Lecours as a “leading lawyer to watch” in labour and employment law.

In health law, Me Lecours acts as legal advisor and attorney for health establishments. He has developed a specific practice in human integrity, which leads him to plead regularly before the Court of Quebec and the Superior Court.  Involved in many complex cases, there is no doubt that M Lecours is an experienced and influential consultant.

Assistant: Chloé Morin


  • Labor and employment law (competition and duty of loyalty, human rights, occupational health and safety funding, collective bargaining, collective labor relations, individual labor relations, occupational health and safety)
  • Health law
  • Administrative law


  • LL.L., Université d'Ottawa (2013)
  • Intensive certificate in negotiation, London School of Economics and Political Science (2013)
  • University of Ottawa delegate for the Harvard Model United Nations (2012)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Rouyn-Noranda (2014 to present)
  • Bélanger Barrette Avocats, Rouyn-Noranda
  • Canada Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety Law, Ottawa

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • "Aspects légaux de la discipline au travail ", training given at the invitation of the Société de développement du Témiscamingue (2023)
  • "La négociation de la convention collective et l’arbitrage de grief", at the invitation of UQAT as part of a graduate course (2023)
  • "Harcèlement psychologique : entre droit de gérance et personnalités difficiles", at the invitation of Table SST of the UQAT (2023)
  • "Questionnaires et vérifications préembauche : ce que l’équipe RH doit savoir", training offered to clients of the firm (2022)
  • "La protection des stagiaires et la prévention de la violence en milieu de travail" at the invitation of a business association (2022)
  • Reform of the OHS system: Are you ready to change how you manage cases? Private training for firm clients (2022)
  • Introduction to the new Act to ensure the protection of trainees in the workplace. At the invitation of the Labor Law Association of the University of Ottawa (2022)Bill 59: Modernizing Quebec’s Occupational Health and Safety Regime, training session at the Table régionale de concertation en santé et sécurité du travail, UQAT (2021)
  • "Mandatory Vaccination and Vaccine Passport – A Headache For Employers”, training given to a regional development corporation (2021)
  • "Harassment in the workplace – legal aspects. Program to combat psychological or sexual harassment in the workplace (CNESST)", training provided to the members of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Rouyn-Noranda (2021)
  • "Covid-19 and the workplace: no, not everything has been said yet!" Training presented to chambers of commerce (2021)
  • "Aspects légaux de la santé musculosquelettique en contexte de télétravail" Training given at the invitation of the Table en santé et sécurité du travail de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2021)
  • Disciplinary measures in a non-unionized environment, training given to students in Human Resources Management at the Université de Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2021)
  • Duty to accommodate - can an employee with a disability validly claim a job with comparable pay as the original? article published on the portal of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (2020)
  • Freedom of expression and loyalty: risk management and crisis prevention, keynote address at the Cain Lamarre Symposium on Labor and Employment Law (2019)
  • Rediscovering the Act respecting labour standards, training given at the Association des Avocats et Avocates de Province Conference (2019)
  • Reform of the Act respecting labour standards, presented to a company in the manufacturing sector (2019)
  • Rules to Follow when Lobbying in Quebec, presented to a large company in the mining sector (2019)
  • Managing absenteeism: What municipal employers need to know, presented at the Cain Lamarre Municipal and Environmental Symposium (2019)
  • "La diligence raisonnable en milieu de travail et les risques de négligence criminelle" ("Due diligence in the workplace and the risks of criminal negligence") training session presented to a large company in the forestry industry (2019)
  • “Managing social media in the workplace", lecture given at Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue;
  • Various lectures and training sessions on labor law and occupational Heath an safety law
  • Be prepared to deal with the impact of the legalization of cannabis (2018)
  • "Managing Mental Health in the Workplace: A Toolkit for Interventions", lecture presented at the Cain Lamarre seminar on labor and employment Symposium (2018)
  • Infractions pénales en vertu de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail : que faire de la décision Jordan?, article published on the web portal of the order of certified human resources professionals (2017)
  • "Vivre avec un syndicat : dualité, collaboration et limites à ne pas franchir", a presentation for the Cain Lamarre seminar on labor and employment Symposium (2017)
  • Training session on reasonable accommodation in the workplace at the Cain Lamarre Labor and Employment Symposium (2016)
  • Training session on discrimination in hiring at Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2016)
  • Various training courses about board of director governance

Associations, committees, boards

  • Member, Ordre des CRHA et CRIA du Québec
  • President, Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Rouyn-Noranda
  • Member, board of directors, Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec
  • Member, Human Resources Advisory Committee, Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ)


  • “Leading lawyer to watch” in labor law according to LEXPERT legal Canadian Directory (2021)
  • Finalist / Lexpert Rising Stars 2020: Leading Lawyers Under 40 Awards
  • Recipient of Prix Jeune Barreau - Barreau de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue
  • Recipient of Prix Marcel-Baril
  • Recipient of Prix Implication, MRC de Rouyn-Noranda
  • Recipient of Bourse de la francophonie
  • Recipient of a fellowship in administrative law from the University of Ottawa