
Hotline: 581 543-2706

After articling and working as a lawyer for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Stéphanie Turcotte joined the municipal and environmental law team at the Saguenay office of Cain Lamarre in 2015.

Since beginning her career, she has practiced almost exclusively in municipal law, rapidly developing solid expertise in the field. She has worked on a number of cases involving the awarding of municipal contracts, municipal taxes, and land use and urban planning.

Stéphanie teaches the basics of urban law in Québec to land use and urban planning students at Cégep de Jonquière. In addition, she is intimately familiar with the government apparatus, having worked in several Québec government ministries as well as at the National Assembly.

Assistant: Julie Beaumont


  • Municipal law (access to municipal documents, land use and urban planning, municipal jurisdiction and regulatory powers, right of expropriation for public purposes, municipal taxation, functioning of municipal councils, elections, ethics, and professional conduct , contract management, extra-contractual liability, remuneration of elected municipal officers)
  • Environmental law (quarries and sandpits, waste management, hazardous materials , land protection and rehabilitation)
  • Access, protection of personal information and privacy


  • LL.B., Université Laval (2011)
  • Integrated B.A. in international relations and public affairs, Université Laval (2009)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Saguenay (2015 to present)
  • Ministry of Justice, Municipal Affairs, Quebec City
  • Court of Quebec, Quebec City
  • National Assembly of Quebec, Quebec City

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • Lecturer, landuse and urban planningprograms, Cégep de Jonquière (2015 and 2016)
  • Recent developments in municipal law 2017, "Mesure Robin des bois : lorsqu’une municipalité prend aux riches pour donner aux pauvres," article published in a collective work and presentation given jointly with François Bouchard “RCM governance,” a training session for COMAQ members (2016 and 2017)
  • “Sharing income-generating activities and municipal grants,” a presentation to ADGMRCQ members with François Bouchard (2016)
  • ”Legal financial protection in legal action against an elected official or municipal employee,” a presentation with Karine Boies to FQM members at the (2016)
  • “The ABCs of approvals and authorizations in municipal finances,” a training session for ADMQ members (2016)
  • “Volunteer organizations in municipalities: What are the ground rules?,” a training session to ADMQ members (2016)
  • “Campaign promises to citizens: Possible implications,” a presentation with Bernard Barrette to ADMQ members at the 2016 conference
  • “Mastering municipal financial management tools,” a training session for ADMQ members in Baie-Comeau (2016)
  • “Entente avec les promoteurs et pouvoirs d’aide!” Lunch & learn session with Karine Boies (2016)
  • “Municipal finance management,” a presentation delivered to the members of FQM (2015 to 2016)
  • “What powers do municipalities have in managing hazardous materials?,” a presentation to FQM members at the annual conference (2015)
  • Author of numerous articles on municipal law published in a variety of publication (Le Quotidien, Québec municipal, Municipal and Environnement Juriclip published by Cain Lamarre, Le Scribe (ADMQ) magazine)